Grains and Grass and Gastronomy, Oh My!
Confusion, confusion, confusion. That's what most consumers feel in the grocery store. Another point of confusion for consumers is the grass-finished vs. grain-finished beef. Is there a difference? Is one inherently better than the other? What does each one mean? Ususally, when a beef producer refers to the "finishing" phase of production, he usually means the phase when cattle are moved to a feed lot and put on a high-concentration grain diet. However, more and more consumers are demanding a grain-free product. Enter grass-finished beef. You see, a beef animal already spends most of its life on pasture. It is only at the finishing phase does grain enter its diet to add fat deposition quickly. Because of the demand for grain-free products, though, there is a portion of producers who are finishing their animals in pasture without grain supplementation. So which one should you pick? Well, nutritionally, these two products are almost identical. The only advantage to grass-finished is that it is slightly higher in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. However, grain-fed is higher in beneficial oleic acid, so it's almost a tie. The main reason to purchase grass-finished beef products is if, like me, you have a grain intolerance. But anyone who eats grain themselves and does not have a problem with it, will find grain-finished beef to just as suitable for them. So whether you prefer grain-finished or grass-finished, make BEEF what's for dinner!
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